Monday, July 20, 2009

Here we go again!

Hello all! Sorry for not updating in a looooong time.

Scott and I are back at Mayo. He came up last Thursday for some tests. We were hoping that he would return home on Friday. But, the doctor said that his condition was not so good. He needed surgery right away. I flew up on Sunday and he just went into surgery an hour or so ago. Surgery is estimated to take 9 hours then he'll be in recovery for a couple more.'s gonna be a very long day. My dad and my brother Jason decided to drive up here. They brought Zach and Jake with them. The girls are hanging out with Grandma and Aunt Kim. I have Gabe with me.

I want to apologize to friends and family that I have not called personally. Scott's condition become worse very quickly and everything happened so fast that I haven't had much time to call or email.

I'll will update as I can. And prayers are always appreciated.

BTW, I am also on Facebook and updates are a little easier to post on there so if you want to be my friend send me a "friend request" and I'll add ya! I am Stephanie Krodel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, I thought I read a comment on facebook from helen or someone and didn't have a clue what was going on.. Hope all goes well and we will definately be praying for Scott and your family... keep us updated..