Monday, October 19, 2009


Have you ever cleaned out your pocket
And discovered a ten dollar bill?
You really weren't expecting it,
But it gave your heart a thrill!

Have you ever opened the door
And there before your eyes
You saw the flower man standing
With an armful of surprise?

Well a surprise is exactly what's happened
Or serendipity as we prefer to say
It is with great joy that we tell you
Baby #8 is on the way!

I could have told you in person
But it's very important you see
That I only see thoughts and reactions
Of happiness, smiles and glee!

So once you've had time to digest it
And been able to ponder it all
When you have a nice word about all that you've heard,
Feel free to give me a call!


Mrs T said...

oh how wonderful!

babies are such an awesome blessing!!

Anonymous said...

You're going to have to change the name of your blog (maybe 7+ arrows).
